Ansan Orthopedic Surgery Smooth and Slim

Ansan Orthopedic Surgery Smooth and Slim

In the past, faces accounted for a large proportion of appearance, but recently, beautiful bodies have become more important.The increase in women who put a lot of effort and investment in bodybuilding proved this, and various products related to body management were constantly being developed as information on diet such as exercise and diet therapy was overflowing.In the field of plastic surgery at Ansan Orthopedic Surgery, interest in plastic surgery was also increasing, and among them, more and more women were seeking liposuction surgery.Experts say that the lack of diet effect in certain areas is one of the reasons for the increase in liposuction, and liposuction was not just a volume-reducing obesity treatment, but a success or failure was determined by how to adjust the line.

In the case of people considering liposuction, there is an individual preference, but the medical staff had to understand these factors well because the core points usually change little by little depending on the area such as arms, abdomen, thighs, and face.If there was a lot of flesh on the double chin or face, it looked dull or not soft. When aging overlapped, the skin lost its elasticity and gave a bad impression.Since double chin and face meat are parts that do not easily lose weight even when dieting or exercising, Ansan Orthopedic Surgery often used facial liposuction procedures.Facial liposuction is an operation to inhale fat on the face like general liposuction, and the jaw was raised as the part.Unlike bone-cutting contour surgery, which is obtained by removing fat from each part of the face and improving the outline of the face, it is less burdensome, but it was never easy as it was strictly an operation.

Facial liposuction seems easier than contour surgery, but for good results, the patient’s specificity had to be known.It was said that satisfaction can be enhanced only by accurately identifying the skin type and body type of the patient and removing only the fat from the necessary parts.In addition, professional counseling and design are needed as they can be symmetrical considering the balance of the face, not to lose a lot of weight unconditionally, and since it is a facial line-forming procedure, we should have looked into whether they are professional or experienced and know-how.In the case of liposuction, which proceeds from the body, there is an arm first, and the arm was cited as a part of liposuction satisfaction.It’s because you can feel dramatic changes in your image.Most people who suffer from obesity in their arms suffer from plump and drooping outer lines of their arms, and if they remove fat from the outer lines well, their satisfaction increased.

In other words, the factor that determines success or failure was detail.Rather than just trimming the cylindrical arms, I had to make a line that fell naturally from the side.If natural curves and size reduction are carried out at the same time, it can be said to be a successful liposuction.One of the most difficult parts was the thigh.I often decided to have liposuction surgery because my thighs are not very effective even if I go on a diet.Compared to other parts of the thigh, relatively large muscles are located, and the more exercise you exercise, the thicker the muscles are, and the more difficult it is to become slim, so you often inhale fat.

The thighs were also cylindrical like arms and had to go through a fat removal process, so the physical strength of the Ansan orthopedic team was especially high.In the case of thighs, it was important not to just consider reducing the size, but to neatly trim the line from toe to hip. It required advanced techniques to smoothly inhale fat with a thin, linear cannula on cylindrical thighs.Since the thigh muscles look uneven when inhaling fat or inhaling excessively, the lower body line was not clean and wrinkled easily when inhaling excessively, so it was not easy to make smooth and slim legs, so I had to consult with a doctor who had a lot of liposuction surgery.

The thighs were also cylindrical like arms and had to go through a fat removal process, so the physical strength of the Ansan orthopedic team was especially high.In the case of thighs, it was important not to just consider reducing the size, but to neatly trim the line from toe to hip. It required advanced techniques to smoothly inhale fat with a thin, linear cannula on cylindrical thighs.Since the thigh muscles look uneven when inhaling fat or inhaling excessively, the lower body line was not clean and wrinkled easily when inhaling excessively, so it was not easy to make smooth and slim legs, so I had to consult with a doctor who had a lot of liposuction surgery.

Ansan Orthopedic Surgery has various reasons for liposuction re-surgery, including cases where the size change does not slow down by inhaling a little.This is called depopulated liposuction, but it usually appears as abdominal liposuction.It happened because it was difficult to predict the shape when standing because the abdomen had more fat than other parts and the surgery was performed while lying down.

However, just because I didn’t like the results of the first surgery, it didn’t mean I could have another surgery right away.To undergo liposuction surgery again, at least 6 months after the first surgery, because the drool in the surgical area almost disappears after 6 months of surgery.Also, if you decided to re-surgery liposuction, you had to check whether you could conduct a systematic body analysis as well as the surgeon’s proficiency and clinical experience.After thoroughly diagnosing skin thickness, muscle mass, fat content, and residual fat layer, we were able to create the desired body line and increase the satisfaction of the surgery.

In Ansan Orthopedic Surgery, a detailed physical examination was essential before surgery, and it was necessary to carefully check the cognitive protection, skin elasticity, fat properties, skeleton and muscle mass that affected the liposuction results.In addition, liposuction re-surgery was necessary to diagnose and perform your body shape and problems through sufficient consultation at a reliable medical institution as the treatment method changes depending on the cause of the occurrence.

The results after surgery (treatment) vary from person to person, and all side effects require sufficient consultation with the doctor before surgery (treatment).This post is a medical advertisement and is compliant with the Medical Advertising Act.The posting of this medical advertisement was made in compliance with Article 56(1) of the Medical Advertising Act at Zenith Medical Center.

Zenith Medical Center: Evergreen Tree Shopping Street, 389 Yongjin-ro, Evergreen-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

Zenith Medical Center: Evergreen Tree Shopping Street, 389 Yongjin-ro, Evergreen-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

Zenith Medical Center: Evergreen Tree Shopping Street, 389 Yongjin-ro, Evergreen-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

Zenith Medical Center: Evergreen Tree Shopping Street, 389 Yongjin-ro, Evergreen-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

Zenith Medical Center: Evergreen Tree Shopping Street, 389 Yongjin-ro, Evergreen-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

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